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Lab Safety Culture Awards

In order to promote positive change to safety culture in the labs of UT, the Lab Safety Committee established the Lab Safety Culture Awards Subcommittee at the beginning of this year. The theme for the second category of awards was spring cleaning: applicants shared recent lab clean out efforts and demonstrated methods to good lab housekeeping in place in their labs. This award highlighted the importance of housekeeping in attaining and maintaining clarity of thought, tone setting for good research, clutter-free focus, and developing positive work habits. 

The winners of the first round of awards are:

1st place: Ahmed Bettaieb – Assistant Professor in Nutrition

2nd place: Joey O’Dell – Collections Manager in Anthropology

3rd place: Dipu Ahmed – Graduate Student in Chemistry

Congratulations, winners!

New lab safety culture award categories will be announced quarterly. Submissions are open to everyone involved in research or working in a lab at UT. Announcements of new awards are sent through the Lab Safety ListServ, found on flyers around campus, and communicated during events. Please email Brian Ranger at to request to be added to the Lab Safety ListServ if you are not already enrolled.

Lab Safety Culture Awards


Award winners receiving handshakes and their awards In order to promote positive change to safety culture in the labs of UT, the Lab Safety Committee established the Lab Safety Culture Awards Subcommittee at the beginning of this year. The first category of awards requested essay submissions defining how the author views the current lab safety culture at UT and how they’d like to see it evolve. The first round of awards introduced the definition of safety culture as the shared values, attitudes, and beliefs of a group of people that influence safety and health-related outcomes.

The winners of the first round of awards are:

1st place: Sarah Mobley – Lecturer in Civil and Environmental Engineering

2nd place: Dipu Ahmed – Graduate Student in Chemistry

3rd place: Bob Martin – Infrastructure Manager in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Congratulations, winners!

New lab safety culture award categories will be announced quarterly. Submissions are open to everyone involved in research or working in a lab at UT. Announcements of new awards are sent through the Lab Safety ListServ or during events. Please email Brian Ranger at to request to be added to the Lab Safety ListServ if you are not already enrolled.

Lab Safety Awareness Week

What is Lab Safety Awareness Week?

Lab Safety Awareness Week is an event held in February that recognizes the successes of laboratory health and safety programs and offers information and ideas on how to keep our faculty, staff and students safe.

UTK is participating in this year’s CSHEMA Lab Safety Awareness Week by sharing information and hosting tabling events across campus.

CSHEMA, the Campus Safety Health and Emergency Management Association is  the pre-eminent leadership organization representing the EHS profession in campus environments.

Each day EHS will focus on one of five topics.

See the related fliers here:

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Lab Safety Awareness Week: PPE and General Lab Attire Flier Lab Safety Awareness Week Flier 2- Lab Housekeeping
PPE and General Attire Lab Housekeeping Lab Safety Equipment Hazard ID and RA We are all in this together




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