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It’s National Fire Prevention Week

Every year the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) promotes Fire Protection Week. The topic this year is aimed at ensuring you have two escape paths out of your home in the event of a fire. Here at UTK, we want to remind the campus community of the safe use of Portable Fire Extinguishers (PFEs).

The system we use to remember how to use one properly is the PASS system.

  • Pull the pin
  • Aim at the base of the fire
  • Squeeze the handle
  • Sweep side to side

Download our new PASS poster here.

Required Annual Training

If you are an employee of the university you are required to be trained annually in the proper use of a portable fire extinguisher. There are at least three opportunities to receive portable fire extinguisher training online.

  1. Skillsoft on k@te (for regular employees only; student employees cannot access k@te)
  2. Canvas (can be accessed by anyone with a NetID.
  3. And externally,

Please note that the Skillsoft version alone will record training in IRIS. If you use other methods you need to ensure you retain your records. See our training page for more information on accessing these methods.

If you have any questions about fire safety or training related to portable fire extinguishers please contact EHS.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.