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Safety Manual: UTK Plans, Procedures & Guides

Document Prefixes: AD (Admin.), EC (Environmental Compliance), FS (Fire Safety), GS (General Safety), HM (HazMat), IH (Industrial Hygiene), LS (Laboratory Safety)

Update: Documents are now sorted alphabetically by document name. They are re-sortable with the arrows at the top of each field.

Document NameIDTypeKeywords
3D Printer SafetyLS-023GuideABS, FDM, FFF, MJM, MJP, PLA, SLA, SLS, Ultrafine Particles, VOC, UV
Accident Reporting & InvestigationsAD-022Procedurenear-miss, reporting
Actions of Regulatory AgenciesAD-003ProcedureOSHA, TOSHA, inspections, citations
Aerial & Scissor Lift SafetyGS-135Procedureaerial platforms, lifts, fall protection
Air Monitoring & Indoor Air QualityIH-004Proceduremold, IAQ
Alternative VehiclesGS-025ProcedureATV, golf carts, gators, mules
Asbestos Management PlanEC-040Plan or Program
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs)GS-010Plan or ProgramAutomated External Defibrillators
Biohazard Containment and SecurityLS-BIO-006Guide
Bloodborne PathogensHM-010Plan or Programresearch, non-research, BBP, biohazards
Chemical Fume HoodsIH-002Procedureengineering controls, local exhaust ventilation
Chemical Hygiene PlansLS-020GuideCHP, laboratory, chemicals, hazard communication
Chemical InventoriesEC-004Procedurelaboratory, shops
Compressed Gases and CryogenicsHM-011GuideCGC, Liquid nitrogen, argon, helium, oxygen
Confined Space EntryGS-100Plan or ProgramPRCS, Permit required
Control of Hazardous EnergyGS-080Plan or Programlockout, tagout, LOTO
Controlled SubstancesLS-030GuideDEA, pharmaceuticals, drugs
Cranes and HoistsGS-140Guide
DecorationsFS-030ProcedureHolidays, Halloween, trees
Electrical SafetyGS-070Plan or Programlaboratory, facilities, maintenance, office
Electronic Waste PolicyEC-021Guiderecycling, e-waste, computers
Environmental Inspections and AuditsEC-060ProcedureEPA, TDEC
Ethidium Bromide Waste ManagementLS-024GuideEtBr
Event Management GuideGS-007Guide
Excavation SafetyGS-110GuideTrenching and Shoring
Fall ProtectionGS-041Plan or ProgramFalls, Harness, restraint, railing
Fire DrillsFS-002Procedure
Fire ExtinguishersFS-001Plan or ProgramPFE
Fire WatchFS-011Procedurewelding, cutting, brazing, sparks
Flammable and Combustible LiquidsFS-020Guidelaboratory, chemicals, shops
Forklift SafetyGS-130Guidepowered industrial trucks
Hand and Power Tool Safety GuideGS-090Guide
Hazard CommunicationHM-001Plan or ProgramHazCom, GHS, chemical, maintenance, facilities, laboratory
Hazard SurveillanceAD-020Procedureinspections, audits
Hazardous Waste Contingency PlanEC-002Plan or Programlaboratory, chemicals, shops
Hazardous Waste Management PlanEC-001Plan or Programlaboratory, chemicals, shops
Hazardous Waste Reduction PlanEC-003Plan or Programlaboratory, chemicals, shops
Hearing Conservation ProgramIH-010Plan or Programaudiometric, monitoring, noise, sound
Heat StressIH-020Guide
Hot Work PermitsFS-010Plan or Programwelding, cutting, brazing, sparks
Imminent DangerAD-023Procedurestop work authority
Instructional Lab SafetyLS-006Programteaching, experiential, learning
Isoflurane UseLS-022Guidewaste anesthetic gases
Lab Commissioning/DecommissioningLS-003Guidenew, opening, closing, getting started
Lab Safety Advocate ProgramLS-005ProgramLSA, LSC
Laboratory Door PlacardsLS-010Proceduresigns, placards, postings
Laboratory Equipment Decontamination and DispositionLS-015Procedure
Laboratory Health and Safety ProgramLS-001Programtraining
Laboratory Safety ReviewsLS-002Procedureinspections
Laboratory SecurityLS-004Guide
Ladder SafetyGS-045Guideextension, folding ladder
Laser SafetyRAD-400ProgramNIR, UV, IR, visible, light
Lead Management ProgramEC-041Plan or Programpaint, RRP
Local Exhaust VentilationIH-001Guideengineering controls, fume hoods
Machine GuardingGS-060Guide
Managing Infectious AerosolsLS-BIO-002Guideblending, macerating, sonicating, vortexing, lyophilizing, pipetting, necropsy
Mercury ReductionEC-042Guidethermometers
Minors in Laboratories and ShopsLS-040Programchildren, research
Nanomaterial SafetyLS-025Guidenanoparticles,
Non-ionizing Radiation: IR, RF, Magnetic FieldsRAD-100ProgramIR, infrared, radio frequency, EMF
Non-ionizing Radiation: Ultraviolet LightRAD-110ProgramUV
Non-University Personnel Working in UTK LabsLS-100Planjoint faculty, visiting scholars, volunteers, companies, and entrepreneurs
Office SafetyGS-001Guideegress, exits, stairways, aisles, storage, emergency, fire extinguishers, electrical, ladders
Offsite SafetyGS-006Guidefield work
Offsite Shipping (DOT Shipping Guidelines)HM-002GuideDepartment of Transportation, HazMat, Dangerous Goods, Hazardous Materials
Personal Protective EquipmentGS-050Plan or ProgramPPE, eye, face, hands, gloves
Pesticide Management PlanEC-043Plan or Program
Portable FansGS-035Guideoffice, fire, electrical
Portable Space HeatersGS-030Guideoffice, fire, electrical
Rags and Absorbent DisposalEC-023Guideoily rags
Records Retention for Safety, Health & Environmental ProtectionAD-015Procedure
Recycling and Waste Reduction PlanEC-020Plan or Program
Reporting Safety HazardsAD-021Procedure
Reproductive HealthIH-040Guideradiation, pregnancy, chemicals, biohazards, lab
Respiratory ProtectionIH-003Plan or Programrespirators, fit-test
Safety Showers and EyewashesHM-020Guidecorrosives, chemical, emergency equipment
Safety TrainingAD-050Plan or Programlaboratory, shops, maintenance, employees
Sharp Device Use, Management & DisposalLS-018Guideneedle, scalpel, sharp
Silica Management GuidelinesGS-150Guidedust, abrasive blasting, sand, concrete, art, facilities, engineering, construction
Slip, Trip, and Fall PreventionGS-040Guidehousekeeping
Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures PlanEC-031Plan or ProgramSPCC
Steam Plant Storm Water Pollution Prevention PlanEC-030Plan or Program
Student Shop SafetyGS-005Guide
Time Sensitive ChemicalsLS-021Guideperoxide, picric, nitrated, nitrates, chloroform, formic acid, alkali metals, potassium, sodium, lithium
Transporting BiohazardsLS-BIO-009Guide
Universal Waste ManagementEC-022Guidefluorescent light bulbs, batteries
Welding, Cutting, and BrazingGS-095Guide
Working Alone in ResearchLS-110Guidereduced activities

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