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Lab Safety Training

Laboratory researchers require safety training relevant to the risks they face.

Simplified Summary of Training Requirements

Health and Safety training needs vary and can be complex. Some needs are based on a practical need to enhance knowledge, skills, or abilities. Other needs are based on a need to comply with federal or state regulations, internal UTK policies, or best management practices.





General Lab Safety

None yet; recommended every three years. EHS provides a course with a broad approach that ensures basic concepts are introduced. Canvas modules; Classroom (only as requested and subject to approval) EHS Canvas site

Lab Specific Safety

As needed, CHP should be reviewed as changes are made. As specific hazards require. Should include a review of:

  • Hazards specific to the lab
  • Chemical Hygiene Plan
  • Biosafety Checklist
  • Standard Operating Procedures and Safety Data Sheets
  • Personal Protective Equipment
  • Locations of emergency equipment and exits
  • Any other pertinent safety information
Performed by Principal Investigators or their designees.
Remember to document with relevant checklists. Download LS-020 CHP-AppA-LabSpecific-Sec05-Orientation Checklist. EHS will review your documentation during lab safety reviews.

Specific Programs


Annual Biosafety and Bloodborne Pathogens

Radiation Safety

Annual Any person who will handle or work near ionizing radiation is required to receive training regarding hazards and safe practices. The initial course will be provided with a hybrid online and in-person course. 

Hazardous Waste & Chemical Spills 2024

Annual All hazardous chemical users should take at least once. If they generate or handle hazardous waste then they must repeat annually. If the researcher is a non-chemical user they do not have to take this course. Please choose the correct portal based on your role.

UTK Employees including Grad Students (K@TE)


UTK Students (must have a NetID).

Special Topics

As needed or indicated by a regulatory standard As needed (e.g. electrical, specific chemicals, equipment, high powered lasers, shipping regulated medical waste, USDA permit training, etc.) EHS Canvas site, Biosafety modules, or Radiation Safety modules (see above links). -or-

Performed by Principal Investigators or their designees (may request assistance from EHS).

*The OLAC and IACUC requirements are not under the purview of EHS. Please confirm with these programs as needed.

Brief Course Descriptions

General Lab Safety

EHS offers a course usually monthly or on request for large or small groups). Individuals may also access the form of this training in Canvas. It is targeted to all laboratory researchers.
The goal  is to introduce:

  • safety concepts
  • a wide range of potential hazards
  • hazard controls
  • mitigation of the consequences of accidents or emergencies.

Laboratory oriented Hazard Communication is included in the General Lab Safety Training.

Lab Specific Training

To be conducted by PIs or their designee. New researchers should be introduced to the lab space, conditions, relevant hazards, laboratory policies, and procedures, as well as any pertinent documentation or plans, such as the Chemical Hygiene Plan.

Hazardous Waste

Safely manage hazardous waste on the UT Knoxville campus. Hazardous waste or RCRA (Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) training is required annually for all individuals who generate or handle hazardous waste or chemicals that have the potential to harm the environment if spilled.

This course includes regulations and training requirements, proper determination of hazardous waste and how to safely manage it with assistance from the department of Enironmental Health and Safety (EHS).

If you handle or generate chemical hazardous waste, you must take the Hazardous Waste training annually. This can be completed through:

  • K@TE for UTK employees and Graduate Students
  • Canvas Catalog for UTK students and sponsored visitors. A UT NetID is required.

Special Topics

Several special topics may apply to laboratory research. While most additional chemical hazards should be trained on through Standard Operating Procedures of your Chemical Hygiene Plan, it may be helpful to take a course.

Such training topics can be facilitated by PIs. EHS also offers some special topics in a classroom setting or in Canvas. EHS periodically adds new special topics to Canvas. (Examples include, Compressed Gases, or Hydrofluoric Acid).

Training Documentation

Training conducted by yourself, other lab personnel, or online should always be documented. EHS has forms available for this purpose, and they can be found here:

These can also be used to document any training that is taken with EHS if no other documentation is provided.

Important Canvas Records Note:

If taking Canvas Training, you do not need to take all modules, only those assigned. For a record please go to your “Grades” and print or print-to-pdf (save a copy) your grades. This should be submitted to your PI or lab manager.

See the section related to training in the Laboratory Health and Safety Program here.

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