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What are Emergencies?

Emergencies are generally situations where an incident occurs and immediate action is needed to mitigate injury, illness, or loss. They can include the involvement of emergency medical services (EMS), firefighters, HazMat teams, or police response.

Emergencies can include but are not limited to:

  • Serious or life-threatening illness or injury
  • Fires and explosions
  • Vehicle accidents
  • Exposure to chemical or biological hazards
  • Uncontrolled spill or release of hazardous materials
  • Radiation Emergencies: such as a fire, explosion, chemical exposure, or other issue associated with radioactive materials that present a need for medical, fire, or police response.

Emergency Contacts

Fire, Medical, HazMat: Call 911

UT Police: Call 865-974-3111

Non-Emergency but Urgent EHS Needs

EHS is not an emergency service provider. EHS provides 24/7 assistance and support to emergency service providers and can help with several non-emergency needs.

Non emergency needs can include:

  • Assistance with a minor hazardous material spill.
  • Radioactive material spill or personal contamination response.

General Urgent Need Contacts?

  • Normal business hours (8a-5p): 865-974-5084
  • Outside business hours or if unable to contact the main number: EHS One-Call 865-974-9586

Special Cases

Immediate Assistance from Radiation Safety Staff

Where the situation is limited to a radioactive material spill response and/or personal contamination, the EHS Radiation Safety Staff will assist.

  • During normal business hours (8a-5p): 865-974-5580
  • Outside normal business hours (24/7) or if unable to contact the main number: Contact EHS One-Call 865-974-9586

Learn more about Emergency Preparedness

Various emergency preparedness plans can be found on the Emergency Management website.

The flagship campus of the University of Tennessee System and partner in the Tennessee Transfer Pathway.