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Lab Safety Culture Award Winners

Photo collage of the three winnersIn order to promote positive change to safety culture in UT labs, the Lab Safety Committee is continuing the Lab Safety Culture Awards Subcommittee this year. The theme for the second category of awards of 2024 was spring cleaning and making sustainable lab housekeeping changes. Quarter 2 awards were distributed in June 2024:

1st place: Chathuddasie Amarasinghe – PhD Student in Physics

2nd place: Adrian Gonzalez – Research Associate and Water Quality Core Facility Manager

3rd place: Brigid Ogden – PhD Student in Anthropology

Congratulations, winners!

New lab safety culture award categories will be announced quarterly. Submissions are open to everyone involved in research or working in a lab, shop, or maker at UT. Announcements of new awards are sent through the Lab Safety ListServ, found on flyers around campus, and communicated during events. Please email to request to be added to the Lab Safety ListServ if you are not already enrolled.

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